수업 날짜 2024.01.23
튜터 Viviana
텐션이 좀 낮아서 나랑 잘 안맞았던 것 같다. 목소리가 너무 작아서 잘 못알아들음 ㅜㅜ
근데 또 다양한 어휘를 많이 알려줘서 도움은 크게 되었다.
What do you like to do to let go of your worries?
I just avoid thinking deep. I think being worried cannot solve any problems. And, sometimes, I talk my worries to my friends or family. Then, I can let them go.
I vent to my friends and family about my worries.
vent - (감정·분통을) 터뜨리다
rant - 고함치다, 큰소리로 불평하다
Do you know any pessimists?
My husband is a pessimist. I don't understand why he always think about the worst situation, not comes. He explains that, if he think the worst thing, but that worst thing doesn't come, he feels more comfortable. I cannot agree.
I don't understand the reasons my husband is a pessimist, but he always thinks about the worst-case scenario.
Even though my husband is pessimistic, he thinks about worst-case scenarios that are not plausible.
plausible - 타당한 것 같은, 이치에 맞는, 그럴듯한
Could overthinking have a positive impact on one’s life?
Yes, people who usually overthink make plans for various cases, various scenarios. So, when some unpredictable thing happens, they can handle it smoothly.
Some people work very well under pressure.
In this sentence, we discussed the idiomatic phrase "under pressure" meaning to be in a state of stress or anxiety from having too much to do or accomplish.
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