수업 날짜 2024.01.30
튜터 Charles
완전 강추 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
이런말 해도 되나.. 드라마에서 자주 보는 훈남 하이틴 배우 처럼 생겼다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 20분 수업시간을 아주 꽉꽉 채워줬고, 패러프레이징도 상상도 못해본 단어를 이용해서 해주어서 도움이 되었다. 수업에서 다루고 싶은 것에 발음도 체크했었는데, 패러프레이징한 문장을 소리내어 읽어보는 시간이 있었다. 엄청 도움이 되었다. 왜 블로그에 적을 생각은 해도 소리내서 읽어볼 생각을 못했을까....
Are you active on social media? How has the experience been for you?
나의 답 : I am on Instagram. I have two Instagram accounts. One is for sharing my daily life with my friends and the other is for utilizing commercial services. I prefer to follow commercial accounts because I also follow instagram cartoons so there are many things to read.
선생님의 paraphrase :
In terms of my activity on social media, I am an avid Instagram user and actually have two accounts. One is designed for sharing life updates with my friends, and the other is for taking advantage of commercial offers. If I had to give up one of these accounts, it would definitely be the social one because I find the commercial value to be irreplaceable.
irreplaceable (대단히 귀중하거나 특별하여) 그 무엇으로도 대체[대신]할 수 없는
avid 열심인[열렬한]
How has social media changed the way we interact with one another?
나의 답 : It changed the interactions between my friends and us. It's really comfortable. Once I followed old friends accounts and I can contact them via social media without having to call or text. However these days, I feel like social media is shackled to me and I have trouble disconnecting the connections. First, I always look into my phone and sometimes we don't need to know everyone's daily life. These days I want to disconnect and unfollow them but it could be awkward.
선생님의 paraphrase : Social media has definitely changed the way that I interact with my friends. While it is much more convenient, I also find it to be quite shackling and I constantly have trouble disconnecting myself from the content it provides. For example, I always seem to find myself looking at my phone and wanting to know about other people's updates. Honestly, I think the best approach is for me to un-follow people, but I do not want to make the situation awkward.
shackle 족쇄[쇠고랑]를 채우다, 구속하다.
Have you ever considered “unplugging” from social media? Why or why not?
나의 답 : I sometimes deactive my social accounts. I did it like three times and for one year each. When I meet my friends, all my friend's know each other's updates. I felt like sorry for not knowing their updates.
선생님의 paraphrase :
In the past, I have deactivated my Instagram account on several occasions and only reactivated it after more than a year. My motive for rejoining the Instagram community was because I felt bad about not seeing my friends' updates.
수업 녹음 들으며 유용할 것 같은 표현들 정리해봄.
I've been living in New York City ever since. For the last 6 months I worked as a investment banker in the financial services industry.
At the beginning of the year, I realized that this career path was really not what I wanted to do long-term. So I made the executive decision to resign and I'm now pursuing a career in sports media.
The other one seems more like being a very savvy consumer.
Do you have any preferences in terms of which accounts you use more?
You can make your sentences a little bit more concise and a little bit more robust, which is obviously your goal.
concise-> 간결한
robust -> 탄탄한
Do you feel like it is a detriment?
detriment -> 손상(을 초래하는 것)
Do you feel like it's an issue as to how reliant you are on social media?
How severe do you think the problem is in terms of your reliance on social media?
severe -> 극심한, 심각한
링글에 관심있으시다면 아래 초대코드 넣어보세용
나의 초대 코드 : da39ef
친구가 링글을 선물했어요! 5만포인트가 사라지기 전에 바로 확인하세요!
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