
링글 9번째 수업 복습 (with Caitlyn)

개발자R 2024. 2. 12. 23:52

수업 날짜 2024.02.12

튜터 Caitlyn

역시 강추  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

지난번 수업이 너무 좋았어서 40분 수업권을 썼다. 40분동안 천천히 수업하니 더 많은 이야길 할 수 있어서 좋았다. Caitlyn 튜터의 가장 좋은 점은, 한국인이시기 때문에 내가 한국인스러운 영어문장으로 말 해도 찰떡같이 잘 알아들으신다는 점이다. 네이버 블로그 그 단어에서 오는 뉘앙스 등등 말이다!!! 그리고 40분이라 시간이 많은 김에 나의 영어 인토네이션을 어떻게 늘릴 수 있는지 고민이라고 물어보았다. 많은 팁을 얻을 수 있었다.


Have you written in a journal before? Did you find it beneficial for your mental health?

나의 답변 : I write the journal for every month, it's like retro of my life, and it's really beneficial to think about my life last month and how was it, and what can I do better in my office or work life, and social life.

튜터의 패러프레이징 : Ever since last March, I have been writing a journal every month. I look back at my life in the past month and write about how it was, what I can improve on at work or at home, as well as in my social life. When I have free time, I sometimes go back to these journals and give them a read.

look back at = reflect on 
ex) I reflected on my past school year and summarized what I learned. 
retroactive: looking into the past
ex) My journal is a retroactive reflection of my life in the past month. 
ex) Retroactively speaking, I wouldn't have done the same thing. 


Does writing by hand feel different than typing on a computer for you?

나의 답변 : When I'm studying, I prefer to write by hand, because I can memorize everything when I'm writing by my hand. However, typing is much more effective or fast.


튜터의 패러프레이징 : When I am studying, I prefer to write by hand because it helps me memorize information more easily. However, in general, typing is much more efficient.


efficient: fast, quick, cost effective



Can you tell me a little bit more about your blog?

나의 답변 : I have two blogs. One is Naver blog. I am an influencer in Naver. Not that famous, but about 1000 people come to my blog by search. And I get some profit. Sometimes, I go to some restaurant for free, I have to post the review in my blog. And the other one is just for my journal. And development review or just for study. Two of them are all public. Since 3 years or 4 years, I started the Naver blog for my wedding, preparing wedding. When I was preparing my wedding, the wedding company requested to post all of the process in the blog, then they gave me the point, which I can use like money. So, all the brides make blogs for the point, so I did too.


튜터의 패러프레이징 : I keep two blogs, one of which is focused on public reviews of certain places or restaurants, and the other focused more on my personal journaling and development studying. The first one is a Naver blog, and around a thousand people visit this blog by searching for it. Although I first started this blog as part of a marketing campaign for the wedding company that I was a customer of, now, it actually yields some profit to me.



How do you cope with the stressors of daily life, usually?

나의 답변 : I don't get stressed really. I am an optimism person. However, sometimes, I get stressed. Then I drink some wine with my husband watching a great movie. So I like some Academy movie. Movies get a lot of Academy prizes.


튜터의 패러프레이징 : I'm an optimistic person, so I don't usually get stressed out. On the rare occasions that I do get stressed out, it's usually because of my social life. Although I do have a lot of friends, sometimes I don't feel like I have a real friend. I usually de-stress by having a glass of wine with my husband while watching a good movie. I usually prefer to watch Academy awarded movies.


 cope with - …에 대처[대응]하다; …에 대항하다.



Why do you think journaling improves immune function?

나의 답변 : I don't agree it improves immune function, but may can help because it helps because it helps de-stress people. Journaling is just typing or think the day, and it help the immune system? Can it prevent cold or flu?


튜터의 패러프레이징 : I find it hard to believe that journaling improves our immune system given that the two of them seem to be really unrelated. Maybe it could help a little bit by reducing the amount of stress people experience.




총평 피드백

어휘력을 좀 더 늘리면 좋겠다. 


영어 스피킹을 늘릴 수 있는 방법을 물어보았다. 일단 튜터께서는 디베이팅을 통해 영어 실력을 많이 늘리셨다고 했다. 생각해보니 나도 고등학교때 영어 디베이팅 동아리가 있었다. 그건 사실 영어 잘하는 사람들만 갈 수 있었던... ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 여튼 뭔가를 외우고 말하고 그러는 시간이 굉장히 중요한 듯 하다. 나는 뜨문뜨문 말해본 경험은 있어도 막 술술 외워서 말해본 경험이 없으니 스킬업 할 기회가 많이 없었던 듯.

그래서 좋아하는 연설이나 등등 많이 듣고 외우고 따라해보라는 조언을 해주셨다. 시도해봐야지!!!



링글에 관심있으시다면 아래 초대코드 넣어보세용


나의 초대 코드 : da39ef

친구가 링글을 선물했어요! 5만포인트가 사라지기 전에 바로 확인하세요!

