3번째 수업 / Caitlyn
수업 날짜 2024.01.14
튜터 Caitlyn Jaeyeon
완전 강추 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
대화를 잘 이끌어주었고, 추가질문도 자연스럽게 잘 해주었고, paraphrase도 잘 해주었고,
마지막에 전체적인 피드백과 어떤 점을 더 연습하면 좋을지 이야기도 해주었음.
What part of the reading resonated with you most?
나의 답변 : Having friendship in work place too close can have bad effect on work life. I see many cases like that. It is because if I want to have a break from normal friendship then I can. However, work friendship keeps going until I quit the job.
선생님의 paraphrase : Forming a too close-knit friendship at work can mess up your work life. As I've personally observed what happends around me, I realized that while you can take a breather in normal friendships, it's hard to do the same with work friendship.
close-knit 긴밀한
mess up 망치다
take a breather 잠깐 휴식을 취하다, 숨을 돌리다.
Do you have any experience with workplace friendship?
나의 답 : Yes, I have a lot friends in my workplace because we entered this company with many colleagues, like 150 people, it's my same grade in company, so I don't work with them, but they are my friends, so I think this relationship is good because we all know each other's work, so we can talk about it without any explanations.
선생님의 paraphrase : I have a lot of colleagues who joined the company with me in the same year. While we don't directly work together, I appreciate these friendships because we are able to easily discuss our work without having to explain too much.
=> 동기들이라는 말을 하고 싶었는데 마땅한 단어가 떠오르진 않았다.
=> so, but 이런 말을 너무 많이 하는 군...
Have you have any uncomfortable experiences?
나의 답 : Usually we talk about work life and bad supervisors or bad coworkers. Recently, I'm really tired of hearing that.
선생님의 paraphrase : A lot of your conversations involve gossiping about bad supervisors or coworkers, and I have been growing tired of that.
How do you think having work friendships can impact workplace satisfaction and morale?
나의 답 : In my case, healthy friendship makes my work life better and it relieves my stress.
선생님의 paraphrase : A Personally, healthy friendships enhance my work life and helps me alleviate some of the stress.
morale 사기, 의욕
Do you have a good friend at work?
Yes, I think they are not my friends. I think they are close coworkers. We talk personal conversations. Without it, it's really bored -> boring in the office, so they are helpful to work -> for working better.
I think of them more as close coworkers than friends, but we do have some personal conversations. Without these, the office would be really dull, which is why I believe connections help with work efficiency as well.
acquaintances 지인
dull 따분한, 재미없는
How many people do you have, like, in your office?
I usually just stay at home, and watching Netflix and I started to learn boxing last week. It's really fun. Before learning boxing, we do hamata exercise, it's really hard, but it's just training, so I can do it.
I like to find past movies, not new movies, and when I watch some movies and I like the director, I find the director's other movie, like recently, I watched Woody Allen's movie, I don't like him in -> as a person, but his movie is -> movies are good, so I watched the series of his movies.
I enjoy older films over new ones. Usually, I select movies based on the director. If I find a director that I like, I find his/her movies and watch them. Recently, I watched Woody Allen's movie. Although I'm not a fan of him as a person, I enjoyed his movie series.
캐쥬얼 토크
Uh, what about outside of work?
Do you meet a lot of friends outside of work?
I have only, uh, college friends.
When you are out of work, when you're not working.
I usually do nothing. I usually just stay at home and watching Netflix.
And, uh, I started to learn boxing last week.
So I go to, to exercise boxing.
Is it really exhausting?
Uh, before learning boxing, we do habata exercise.
It's really hard, but it's just -> only 20 minutes, so I can, um, I can do it.
==> 시간이 짧아서 충분히 견딜만 하다.
It's bearable.
I bet it's really helpful for, like, stamina.You get stronger.
수업 총 피드백 : filler word가 많고, 문장 형태가 비슷해서 더 다양한 문장 형태를 만들어보면 좋겠다.
4번째 수업 / Devin
수업 날짜 2024.01.19
튜터 Devin
완전 강추 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
대화를 잘 이끌어주었고, 추가질문도 자연스럽게 잘 해주었고, paraphrase도 잘 해주었다.
질문 답 질문 답 이런 느낌을 넘어서서 진짜 프리토킹 하듯이 질문 세례를 해주어서 말하기 연습을 많이 할 수 있었다.
튜터의 comment / tip
however, while, whereas, in spite of, despite, on one hand, on the other hand
in turn, therefore, thus, as a result,
in terms of, in regard to, regarding, especially, particularly, specifically, naturally, basically,
in other words, essentially, in reality, as it happens,
firstly, first and foremost, primarily,
since, due to,
such as, including, afterwards, following,
moreover, additionally, furthermore,
finally, lastly, overall, in summary, in conclusion, etc.
These can be incredibly helpful when it comes to adding more variety to our vocabulary as well as improving fluency. Overall, keep up the great work!
What do you think is the difference between a job and a career? Explain.
나의 답변 : I think a job is limited by a company while a career is mine. It mean a job is a position which doesn't change by workers. But every single employee has his/her own career.
선생님의 paraphrase : In other words, while a job is a role which doesn't change based on the employee filling that position, every single worker has his or her own career.
Imagine that your tutor is someone you met while traveling. Take a moment to describe your current role to them.
나의 답 : My job is developer and I'm making my career path like at first I was just coder, which is just make a code under my supervisor's operation. But now, I talk to my clients and actually develop their system.
선생님의 paraphrase : However, now I'm able to talk to my clients personally and truly develop their system for them.
And do you, like, did you enjoy studying Russian language and literature?
나의 답: No, I had really hard time because I thought i was strong in grammar,
but it's very difficult to memorize all the vocabularies.
선생님의 paraphrase : No, I really struggled since I was initially under the impression that my grammar skills were strong.
However, I quickly realized it's incredibly difficult to memorize vocabulary.
under the impression ~한 생각을 갖다.
나의 답: Because some bad clients think they are in upper position so they just order things not communicate or discuss.
선생님의 paraphrase :
Some difficult clients think of themselves as superior, and thus, they just order or demand things instead of communicating or discussing.
5번째 수업 / Viviana
수업 날짜 2024.01.23
튜터 Viviana
텐션이 좀 낮아서 나랑 잘 안맞았던 것 같다. 목소리가 너무 작아서 잘 못알아들음 ㅜㅜ
근데 또 다양한 어휘를 많이 알려줘서 도움은 크게 되었다.
What do you like to do to let go of your worries?
I just avoid thinking deep. I think being worried cannot solve any problems. And, sometimes, I talk my worries to my friends or family. Then, I can let them go.
I vent to my friends and family about my worries.
vent - (감정·분통을) 터뜨리다
rant - 고함치다, 큰소리로 불평하다
Do you know any pessimists?
My husband is a pessimist. I don't understand why he always think about the worst situation, not comes. He explains that, if he think the worst thing, but that worst thing doesn't come, he feels more comfortable. I cannot agree.
I don't understand the reasons my husband is a pessimist, but he always thinks about the worst-case scenario.
Even though my husband is pessimistic, he thinks about worst-case scenarios that are not plausible.
plausible - 타당한 것 같은, 이치에 맞는, 그럴듯한
Could overthinking have a positive impact on one’s life?
Yes, people who usually overthink make plans for various cases, various scenarios. So, when some unpredictable thing happens, they can handle it smoothly.
Some people work very well under pressure.
In this sentence, we discussed the idiomatic phrase "under pressure" meaning to be in a state of stress or anxiety from having too much to do or accomplish.
6번째 수업 / Kevin
수업 날짜 2024.01.27
튜터 Kevin
원래 신청했던 튜터가 갑자기 수업시작 15분 전에 수업을 취소하는 바람에 급히 배정된 튜터였다. 근데 굉장히 젠틀하고 모범생 스타일이었다. 수업 만족도 매우 좋았음!! 내가 개발자인 것에 관심을 많이 가졌고 이것저것 물어봤다. ㅎㅎ
How would you define a close friend? Someone you can “call in the middle of the night”? Someone with whom you can share anything?
나의 답: I define a close friend as someone who truly rejoices with me at a my success and comforts me when I'm sad.
선생님의 paraphrase : I define a close friend as someone who celebrates with me when I'm at my best and comforts me when I'm at my lowest point.
=> Here we paraphrase your original response to make it sound more natural. We also make sure to draw the comparison to make sure the contrast is more emphasized.
How important are close friendships to you? Do you prefer to have any casual friends or just a few close friends?
나의 답: I prefer to have friends in casual relationships. Because the deeper my relationship, the more I expect from my friends. Therefore I make higher standards to my friends, which more likely makes me be disappointed.
선생님의 paraphrase : Therefore I have higher standards for my friends and that can easily lead to me being disappointed.
Have you ever had a close friendship? If yes, tell us about one of these friendships and what made your bond so close?
나의 답: I think don't have much close friendship because I can make everyone to my friend but it is really difficult to keep the friendship long. But I have close friendships, I think they have similar thoughts with me so it makes bond with each other.
선생님의 paraphrase : I don't have many close friendships even though it's easy for me to make friends. The reason is it is hard to maintain the friendship. However, I feel that close friends usually have similar lines of thinking and values as me so we forge strong bonds.
=>We introduce some new vocabulary here and also added some depth to your original response. Rather than thoughts, we changed that to similar lines or ways of thinking to express it is how you perceive things.
perceive - 감지[인지]하다
forge - 구축하다
values - 가치
What do you think are the benefits of close friendships? Are there any drawbacks?
나의 답: I think best thing of close friendship is I can talk something that I cannot talk to my family. However, the friendship is not forever and sometimes close friendships makes me really disappointed when we are getting far.
When I was in college, I had a lot of boy friends male friends . After I got married, we become not that closer.
선생님의 paraphrase : I think the best thing about having close friends is that I can talk with them about things that I wouldn't even tell my family. However, friends aren't forever and sometimes close friendships make me feel disappointed when we become emotionally distant.
What advice would you give to others who struggle to make close friendships, based on your own experiences?
I would say feel free to have distance or have some break time with your friendship. I think it's really important to proper distance with friends.
I would say it is important to have distance or a chance of a break with your friendships. I think proper distance is important for maintaining the relationship.
링글에 관심있으시다면 아래 초대코드 넣어보세용
나의 초대 코드 : da39ef
친구가 링글을 선물했어요! 5만포인트가 사라지기 전에 바로 확인하세요!
7번째 수업 / Charles
수업 날짜 2024.01.30
튜터 Charles
완전 강추 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
이런말 해도 되나.. 드라마에서 자주 보는 훈남 하이틴 배우 처럼 생겼다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 20분 수업시간을 아주 꽉꽉 채워줬고, 패러프레이징도 상상도 못해본 단어를 이용해서 해주어서 도움이 되었다. 수업에서 다루고 싶은 것에 발음도 체크했었는데, 패러프레이징한 문장을 소리내어 읽어보는 시간이 있었다. 엄청 도움이 되었다. 왜 블로그에 적을 생각은 해도 소리내서 읽어볼 생각을 못했을까....
Are you active on social media? How has the experience been for you?
나의 답 : I am on Instagram. I have two Instagram accounts. One is for sharing my daily life with my friends and the other is for utilizing commercial services. I prefer to follow commercial accounts because I also follow instagram cartoons so there are many things to read.
선생님의 paraphrase :
In terms of my activity on social media, I am an avid Instagram user and actually have two accounts. One is designed for sharing life updates with my friends, and the other is for taking advantage of commercial offers. If I had to give up one of these accounts, it would definitely be the social one because I find the commercial value to be irreplaceable.
irreplaceable (대단히 귀중하거나 특별하여) 그 무엇으로도 대체[대신]할 수 없는
avid 열심인[열렬한]
How has social media changed the way we interact with one another?
나의 답 : It changed the interactions between my friends and us. It's really comfortable. Once I followed old friends accounts and I can contact them via social media without having to call or text. However these days, I feel like social media is shackled to me and I have trouble disconnecting the connections. First, I always look into my phone and sometimes we don't need to know everyone's daily life. These days I want to disconnect and unfollow them but it could be awkward.
선생님의 paraphrase : Social media has definitely changed the way that I interact with my friends. While it is much more convenient, I also find it to be quite shackling and I constantly have trouble disconnecting myself from the content it provides. For example, I always seem to find myself looking at my phone and wanting to know about other people's updates. Honestly, I think the best approach is for me to un-follow people, but I do not want to make the situation awkward.
shackle 족쇄[쇠고랑]를 채우다, 구속하다.
Have you ever considered “unplugging” from social media? Why or why not?
나의 답 : I sometimes deactive my social accounts. I did it like three times and for one year each. When I meet my friends, all my friend's know each other's updates. I felt like sorry for not knowing their updates.
선생님의 paraphrase :
In the past, I have deactivated my Instagram account on several occasions and only reactivated it after more than a year. My motive for rejoining the Instagram community was because I felt bad about not seeing my friends' updates.
수업 녹음 들으며 유용할 것 같은 표현들 정리해봄.
I've been living in New York City ever since. For the last 6 months I worked as a investment banker in the financial services industry.
At the beginning of the year, I realized that this career path was really not what I wanted to do long-term. So I made the executive decision to resign and I'm now pursuing a career in sports media.
The other one seems more like being a very savvy consumer.
Do you have any preferences in terms of which accounts you use more?
You can make your sentences a little bit more concise and a little bit more robust, which is obviously your goal.
concise-> 간결한
robust -> 탄탄한
Do you feel like it is a detriment?
detriment -> 손상(을 초래하는 것)
Do you feel like it's an issue as to how reliant you are on social media?
How severe do you think the problem is in terms of your reliance on social media?
severe -> 극심한, 심각한
8번째 수업 / Devin
수업 날짜 2024.02.07
튜터 Devin
완전 강추 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
대화를 잘 이끌어주었고, 추가질문도 자연스럽게 잘 해주었고, paraphrase도 잘 해주었다.
질문 답 질문 답 이런 느낌을 넘어서서 진짜 프리토킹 하듯이 질문 세례를 해주어서 말하기 연습을 많이 할 수 있었다.
이 튜터와 두 번째 수업이었다. 역시 좋았음.
튜터의 comment / tip
Great job again today! In an effort to further improve your vocabulary we talked about trying to use more contractions since native speakers use these in spoken language very often. We also mentioned the idea of continuing to try to use longer, more detailed sentences to sound more fluent. Keep it up!
What did or do you study in college and why did you choose that major? 그리고 왜 이 주제를 선택했는지?
나의 답변 : I am a developer. So, totally different from my major.
Usually, my coworkers majored computer science or data science. So I talk this topic with my coworkers many times.
선생님의 paraphrase : I'm a developer which is entirely different from my major.
The vast majority of my coworkers majored in computer or data science. Basically, this topic has come up many times when I've been talking with colleagues.
What if you weren't a developer, what do you think you would want to be? 라고 물어봤는데 완전 다르게 이해했음 ㅜㅜ weren't와 would가 전혀 안들었다......
나의 답 : It's what I'm currently thinking, I'm thinking about my career, usually developers in my company choose two tracks.
선생님의 paraphrase : I'm currently in the midst of making this decision as developers in my company typically have to choose between two career paths.
Why do you think majors and careers don't always align?
나의 답: In social perspective, there are less various jobs than majors.
선생님의 paraphrase : From a social perspective, there are more types of majors than there are specific jobs in the workforce.
And do you think, like, a liberal arts education is a good thing?
나의 답: It's an essential thing in our human lives, I think, but we are living under capitalism.
While I feel as though it's an essential part of our lives and being human, we are living in a society that follows capitalist ideals and thus must take that into consideration.
선생님의 paraphrase : While I feel as though it's an essential part of our lives and being human, we are living in a society that follows capitalist ideals and thus must take that into consideration.
And why do you think people choose these specific majors if they have the option?
나의 답: Oh that's because when they have jobs, they can earn a lot of money.
선생님의 paraphrase : The primary reason they pursue these majors is that they tend to lead to more lucrative jobs in the long run.
lucrative - 수익성이 좋은
"He had a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian."
"I can't believe you only started this business a year ago and it's already so lucrative."
"He runs a lucrative realty company in Texas".
9번째 수업 / Caitlyn
수업 날짜 2024.02.12
튜터 Caitlyn
역시 강추 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
지난번 수업이 너무 좋았어서 40분 수업권을 썼다. 40분동안 천천히 수업하니 더 많은 이야길 할 수 있어서 좋았다. Caitlyn 튜터의 가장 좋은 점은, 한국인이시기 때문에 내가 한국인스러운 영어문장으로 말 해도 찰떡같이 잘 알아들으신다는 점이다. 네이버 블로그 그 단어에서 오는 뉘앙스 등등 말이다!!! 그리고 40분이라 시간이 많은 김에 나의 영어 인토네이션을 어떻게 늘릴 수 있는지 고민이라고 물어보았다. 많은 팁을 얻을 수 있었다.
Have you written in a journal before? Did you find it beneficial for your mental health?
나의 답변 : I write the journal for every month, it's like retro of my life, and it's really beneficial to think about my life last month and how was it, and what can I do better in my office or work life, and social life.
튜터의 패러프레이징 : Ever since last March, I have been writing a journal every month. I look back at my life in the past month and write about how it was, what I can improve on at work or at home, as well as in my social life. When I have free time, I sometimes go back to these journals and give them a read.
look back at = reflect on
ex) I reflected on my past school year and summarized what I learned.
retroactive: looking into the past
ex) My journal is a retroactive reflection of my life in the past month.
ex) Retroactively speaking, I wouldn't have done the same thing.
Does writing by hand feel different than typing on a computer for you?
나의 답변 : When I'm studying, I prefer to write by hand, because I can memorize everything when I'm writing by my hand. However, typing is much more effective or fast.
튜터의 패러프레이징 : When I am studying, I prefer to write by hand because it helps me memorize information more easily. However, in general, typing is much more efficient.
efficient: fast, quick, cost effective
Can you tell me a little bit more about your blog?
나의 답변 : I have two blogs. One is Naver blog. I am an influencer in Naver. Not that famous, but about 1000 people come to my blog by search. And I get some profit. Sometimes, I go to some restaurant for free, I have to post the review in my blog. And the other one is just for my journal. And development review or just for study. Two of them are all public. Since 3 years or 4 years, I started the Naver blog for my wedding, preparing wedding. When I was preparing my wedding, the wedding company requested to post all of the process in the blog, then they gave me the point, which I can use like money. So, all the brides make blogs for the point, so I did too.
튜터의 패러프레이징 : I keep two blogs, one of which is focused on public reviews of certain places or restaurants, and the other focused more on my personal journaling and development studying. The first one is a Naver blog, and around a thousand people visit this blog by searching for it. Although I first started this blog as part of a marketing campaign for the wedding company that I was a customer of, now, it actually yields some profit to me.
How do you cope with the stressors of daily life, usually?
나의 답변 : I don't get stressed really. I am an optimism person. However, sometimes, I get stressed. Then I drink some wine with my husband watching a great movie. So I like some Academy movie. Movies get a lot of Academy prizes.
튜터의 패러프레이징 : I'm an optimistic person, so I don't usually get stressed out. On the rare occasions that I do get stressed out, it's usually because of my social life. Although I do have a lot of friends, sometimes I don't feel like I have a real friend. I usually de-stress by having a glass of wine with my husband while watching a good movie. I usually prefer to watch Academy awarded movies.
cope with - …에 대처[대응]하다; …에 대항하다.
Why do you think journaling improves immune function?
나의 답변 : I don't agree it improves immune function, but may can help because it helps because it helps de-stress people. Journaling is just typing or think the day, and it help the immune system? Can it prevent cold or flu?
튜터의 패러프레이징 : I find it hard to believe that journaling improves our immune system given that the two of them seem to be really unrelated. Maybe it could help a little bit by reducing the amount of stress people experience.
총평 피드백
어휘력을 좀 더 늘리면 좋겠다.
영어 스피킹을 늘릴 수 있는 방법을 물어보았다. 일단 튜터께서는 디베이팅을 통해 영어 실력을 많이 늘리셨다고 했다. 생각해보니 나도 고등학교때 영어 디베이팅 동아리가 있었다. 그건 사실 영어 잘하는 사람들만 갈 수 있었던... ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 여튼 뭔가를 외우고 말하고 그러는 시간이 굉장히 중요한 듯 하다. 나는 뜨문뜨문 말해본 경험은 있어도 막 술술 외워서 말해본 경험이 없으니 스킬업 할 기회가 많이 없었던 듯.
그래서 좋아하는 연설이나 등등 많이 듣고 외우고 따라해보라는 조언을 해주셨다. 시도해봐야지!!!
10번째 수업 / Charles
수업 날짜 2024.02.12
튜터 Charles
변했다.... 🌟🌟
분명 지난 수업에선 좋아서 또 예약을 했는데 그 짧은 20분 수업 중간중간 계속 핸드폰 보고, 하품하느라 말을 못하고..
완전 비추 ㅜㅜ 너무 성의없이 수업을 진행했다. 짜증났음. 패러프레이징도 그닥 많이 안해줬음.
수업 주제는 Start-ups vs. Corporations 스타트업 vs 대기업 이었다.
How do you feel about having a broad range of responsibilities in your work? Can you see it as an opportunity or a challenge?
내 답변 : I feel that having a broad range of responsibilities is an opportunity to a junior while it is a challenge for a senior. Since juniors don't know yet their specialty or what suitable career is for them, they can find it while doing various tasks. On the other hand, I think seniors should have their own specialty, which a variety of responsibilities could be a challenge.
튜터의 패러프레이징 :
In my opinion, having a large number of responsibilities can be quite beneficial to a junior-level employee but detrimental for a senior level official. This is because lower-ranking workers have not specialized in a field yet so having the opportunity to try out many things is good for them. On the other hand, senior-level employees have already experienced much so they should only have to focus on what they are good at.
detrimental - 해로운
Reflecting on your own personality traits, which aspects of start-up or corporate culture do you think would suit you best?
내 답변 : Basically I like changes and new things, which is why I felt like start-ups are more suitable for me. However, after I entered a corporation, I'm satisfied with my company. In corporations, dynamic events happens, too.
튜터의 패러프레이징 : Knowing myself, I am a big fan of trying new things and embracing change, which is why I think start-ups are more appealing to me. However, after joining my current company, I have been incredibly satisfied. In my mind, the benefits that I experience far outweigh/overcome/matter more the negative aspects of corporate work.
링글에 관심있으시다면 아래 초대코드 넣어보세용
나의 초대 코드 : da39ef
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